
About | Jessica Rene | Dallas Fort Worth Family Photographer


About | Jessica Rene | Dallas Fort Worth Family Photographer

A little about me...


Hi, I'm Jessica! thanks for stopping by!

I'm a natural light photographer from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I wear many hats, but my two most favorite are that of wife and mother. I'm married to Jeff, the love of my life and my best friend - I love doing life with him! Jeff and I have two beautiful boys together—the sweetest boys you’ll ever meet. I'm one blessed girl to have such an amazing family.

I try to live life as simply as possible. I love Jesus. I believe in kindness, and I believe that each day is a gift that shouldn't be taken for granted. I love coffee , but refuse to drink it daily because I don't want to get addicted to it. I know, I know…kinda weird, right? Ha! I love the sound and smell of rain. Any chance I get, I have a dance party in the rain with my four-year-old....and they’re the best dance parties ever!

Winter used to be my favorite season. I loved the cold on my skin and wearing pretty coats and scarfs and boots. As I've gotten older, spring and early summer have become my favorite seasons. I love the idea of new beginnings: trees bringing forth life, birds migrating back, the beautiful sound of their singing and chirping....Flowers start to blossom and nights become longer. All these things rejuvenate me!

The day I picked up my camera and began seeing life through its lens, my perception of nature changed. I never used to look up into the beautiful sky or take time to admire the sun, but now I find myself constantly noticing the breathtaking beauty of the sky, the sun, and just about everything else in nature. It's amazing how photography has really opened my eyes to the beauty around me! I’m so thankful for that - to be able to tie in the beauty of love and family, with the beauty I see around us daily.

In a nutshell, I’m the wife of an amazingly loving man and the mama of two incredible little guys. Viewing life through eyes of gratitude and finding beauty all around. Thank you for stopping by my little corner of the world! I hope you find a little beauty while you’re here, too.

Special thank you to Lori J Photography for my own family portrait.